Rally of the 500.000 demonstrators at the Porte de Vincennes, July 14, 1935
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Rally of the 500.000 demonstrators at the Porte de Vincennes, July 14, 1935

Rally of the 500.000 demonstrators at the Porte de Vincennes, July 14, 1935 (1970) : This document recounts the crucial day of july 14, 1935 in France. Facing the threat of the fascists leagues’s ascent and Pierre Laval's accession to the Council's presidency, french left organizations proclaim their union during a gigantic rally in Paris, from the Bastille to the Porte de Vincennes. As its first joint gathering, this demonstration heralds the 1936 french Front Populaire.


Production Company: Comité National d'organisation du Rassemblement populaire du 14 juillet 1935

Release: Jan 01, 1970

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